Never underestimate the impact your daily habits has on your financial goals. Discover tips you can adopt now in your planning to save more towards living your best life.
Save early to grow more with compound interest
Your Special and Retirement Account savings earn up to 5% and 6% interest per annum respectively. A monthly top-up of $50 to your Special Account can grow to more than $7,000* in 10 years, and more than $12,000* in 15 years!
*Computed using base interest of 4% p.a.
Enjoy tax relief of up to $16,000
Get dollar-for-dollar tax relief of up to $8,000 for cash top-ups made to yourself, and up to another $8,000 if you top up for your loved ones.
Terms and conditions apply.
Keep reviewing your finances regularly
Consider potential changes to your lifestyle over time and take into account occasions when you can afford to save more, e.g. receiving additional bonus or income.
5 easy ways to grow your savings
Need some inspiration to get started on your plan? Watch Institute for Financial Literacy Trainer Jolene and CPF member Mohan discuss simple strategies to keep up with saving regularly and safely for your goals.
Here's how others are making the most of their savings with easy habits
"When it comes to budgeting, I like to use a spreadsheet to categorise and track my expenses. Knowing I am saving even more through the interest and tax relief earned from topping up my CPF encourages me to focus on my future goals."
- Li Xin, 40, Engineer
"I formed a habit of comparing prices and making my online purchases cheaper with vouchers and cashback. Tracking my expenses helps me understand my spending habits and make adjustments, ensuring that I spend within my means and save more for the future."
- Qhek Hwee Boon, 54, Retiree
Start planning today
CPF Planner
Have a goal in mind? Use the CPF Planner to project your CPF savings to see how close you are, and how much more you may need to support your desired retirement income.