CPF overview

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Money bag showing the usages of the four CPF accounts.

How much you contribute depends on age

Depending on your age, CPF contribution rates can range from 12.5% to 37% of your monthly wages. 

Employee’s age (years)
Contribution rates from 1 January 2024
(for monthly wages > $750)
By employer (% of wage)  By employee (% of wage) Total (% of wage)
55 and below 17  20 37
Above 55 to 60 15  16 31
Above 60 to 65 11.5  10.5 22
Above 65 to 70 9 7.5 16.5
Above 70 7.5

Money bags showing effect of compound interest.

Using your OA savings​ 

Using your MA savings

Using your RA savings​ 

Housing monetisation