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Do I need to make a CPF nomination if I want my CPF savings to be distributed according to Faraid?

You are strongly encouraged to make a CPF nomination even if you want your CPF savings to be distributed according to Faraid.

You can do so by nominating your Faraid heirs and their shares accordingly – try using the Syariah Court’s Faraid Calculator to determine who your Faraid heirs are and their allocated shares. However, it is worth noting that according to a fatwa by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis), CPF nomination is a form of hibah (gift). You may thus give any amount of your CPF savings to whoever you wish (including non-Faraid heirs or legal institutions).

Making a CPF nomination allows your CPF savings to be distributed swiftly and conveniently to your nominee(s).

Unnominated CPF savings will be held by the Public Trustee’s Office (PTO). Family members must initiate the claims process, retrieve the deceased’s Inheritance Certificate from the Syariah Court, and provide other necessary paperwork. The distribution process can take up to six months, and administration fees will be charged by the PTO and Syariah Court.