- A CPF member can apply to waive the repayment of his CPF savings withdrawn under the CPF Education Loan Scheme for his child or relative, if he is entitled to withdraw his CPF savings on any one of the following CPF withdrawal grounds:
- Eligibility Criteria for Waiver Application on Attaining the Age of 55
For a CPF member who has attained the age of 55 years, he may apply to waive the repayment of his CPF savings withdrawn under the CPF Education Loan Scheme if he has set aside the Full Retirement Sum (FRS) in the Retirement Account (RA). The FRS can be set aside fully with cash, or with cash (i.e. at least the Basic Retirement Sum) and property.
- Eligibility Criteria for Waiver Application on Medical Grounds
For a CPF member who has withdrawn or is entitled to withdraw his CPF monies on medical grounds, he may apply to waive the repayment of his CPF savings withdrawn under the CPF Education Loan Scheme if he has set aside the requisite sums under the CPF Act.
- Eligibility Criteria for Waiver Application on Attaining the Age of 55
- Any CPF member submitting a waiver application under the grounds mentioned in Point 1b also undertakes to inform the Board as soon as possible of any change in his medical condition that may affect his eligibility to withdraw his CPF savings or to participate in or benefit from any CPF schemes.
- For a CPF member who had earlier withdrawn his CPF savings under the grounds mentioned in Point 1b, he is also declaring that he is still entitled to withdraw his CPF monies under such a ground when he submits this waiver application.
- CPF Board will waive the repayment of the member’s CPF savings only for students who have graduated, or left the approved educational institution, or withdrawn from the previously approved course of study. The amount to be waived for these students will not include the amount that has already been repaid by the students and the CPF savings withdrawn for their current course of study (if any).
- After the application is approved, CPF Board will waive the repayment of the outstanding amount of CPF savings withdrawn for the student(s) concerned and the accrued interest, i.e. the interest that the CPF member would have earned if the withdrawal had not been made under the CPF Education Loan Scheme. Where the waiver is based on the member having set aside the FRS fully with cash and property (mentioned in Point 1a above), the member shall, upon any sale, transfer or other disposal of his interest in the property, be required to refund the sum covered by the charge on the property into his Retirement Account.
- The CPF member cannot revoke his application for the waiver of repayment of his CPF savings once the application has been approved by CPF Board. All waivers of repayment which have been approved by CPF Board are final.
- The CPF member’s application is governed by the provisions of the Central Provident Fund Act and the Central Provident Fund (Education Scheme) Regulations and any amendments, modification or re-enactment thereof.