B2/C wards are subsidised and provide affordable and effective care
About 7 in 10 hospitalisations are in such wards
2020-2022 hospitalisation in subsidised wards

Note: Data includes hospitalisations with MediShield Life and Integrated Shield Plan claims.
MediShield Life paid out $1.3 billion in 2022

7 in 10 Singaporeans in subsidised wards do not pay any cash out-of-pocket expenses

Premiums for private hospital Integrated Shield Plans can cost 2.5 times more than MediShield Life, over one's lifetime

Note: For illustrative purposes only, and not meant to be a projection of future premiums. Lifetime premiums refer to a simple summation of median premium levels (as of 1 Sep 2022) across plans for each age from ages 0 to 85.
IP premiums rise substantially with age especially for private hospital IP
MediSave used for additional premium can instead be used for other healthcare expenses
Median annual premiums for private hospital IP across insurers

When hospitalised, most IP policyholders stay in subsidised wards
IP policyholders' ward utilisation, from 2020-2022

- Members may have purchased IPs because they want to preserve the flexibility of seeking private care.
- Class B IP policyholders refers to Standard and Class B1 IP policyholders
While IPs cost more, they may not give higher payouts for hospitalisation in B2/C wards

Note: For illustrative purposes only. Actual IP payout is dependent on the specific plan and circumstances of each hospital admission and may differ from case to case.