Home ownership statistics

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Net amount withdrawn for housing

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Within period

Public housing (HDB flats)

Private housing
No. of members Net amount withdrawn (S$m) No. of members Net amount withdrawn (S$m)
2019 743,560 6,276.2 227,496 3,808.5
2020 741,262 5,129.7 230,989 3,268.7
2021 750,100 3,926.4 246,796 1,926.5
2022 741,711 5,205.7 246,396 3,032.2
2023  723,876 8,546.6 272,905 6,290.8
2024 Q1 n.a. 2,019.8 n.a. 1,485.7



  • Net amount withdrawn figures are in S$ millions.
  • Net amount withdrawn within period for housing includes all withdrawals within period.
  • Number of members includes members who have withdrawn for housing within the year. Figure is only available as at year end.

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