Key CPF statistics

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Key 2020 CPF statistics
In 2020, Singapore was once again ranked as Asia's top retirement regime (7th overall) by the annual Mercer Global Pension Index.
As of 2020, there were 4.1 million members in total and 2 million active members.
Total CPF members' balances grew by 8.7% to $462.1 billion. CPF contributions collected and credited in 2020 was $40.9 billion.
$16.8 billion in interest was credited in total to CPF members' accounts, including $1.7 billion in extra interest.
CPF LIFE gained more than 178,000 members since the scheme's launch in 2009. $2.3 billion in monthly payouts was also received by more than 76,000 members to date.
More than one-third of members who topped up were doing so for the first time. The number of top-ups increased by 43%, from 231,000 top-ups to 331,000 top-ups. The total top-up amount also increased by 39%, from $2.15 billion to $3 billion.
$6.4 billion was disbursed to CPF members in 2020 - $4.6 billion was to members who reached the age of 55 and have set aside their Cohort Full Retirement Sum in their Retirement Account, $1.3 billion was withdrawn on death and medical grounds, and $0.5 billion was disbursed to members who left Singapore and West Malaysia permanently, and Malaysians who left Singapore to reside in West Malaysia.
972,000 members used CPF savings for housing needs amounting to $17.3 billion.
MediSave withdrawals for direct medical expenses amounted to $1.01 billion, while claims from MediShield Life coverage amounted to $1.05 billion for 701,000 claims.