Spot the safe links


In this digital age, website links are a legitimate means for the Government to point citizens to useful services and information. However, in light of recent reports on phishing scams, the best way to protect yourself is to check that the link you received via emails, SMS and WhatsApp messages is from “” before clicking.


Try out this quiz to test how good you are at telling safe links apart from suspicious ones.


That’s incorrect.

To determine if a link is safe, check that the domain ends with “”. A domain forms the first part of a URL. If a “https://” prefix is included in the URL, the domain comes immediately after it.

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

Did you miss the hyphen? The correct link should have a domain that ends with “”. A domain forms the first part of a URL. If a https:// prefix is included in the URL, the domain comes immediately after it.

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

To ensure that a link genuinely leads to a Government website, always check that the domain ends with “”. A domain forms the first part of a URL. If a “https://” prefix is included in the URL, the domain comes immediately after it.

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

Can you spot it now? Government links do not lead to “”!

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

Did you miss the dot before “”?

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

CPF links should direct you to a CPF webpage starting with “”. Do look out for suspicious links where “” comes only after the domain in the URL, e.g

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

This link shows “” appearing only after “/”.

That's correct!

That’s incorrect.

There’s a missing dot between “gov” and “sg” in this incorrect link.

That's correct!