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What happens to my online CPF Education Loan application that have been endorsed by the CPF member?

If the application is successful, you will be notified on the application status generally within the next two months after the conditions have been met. You can check the application status under "My Activities" by logging in to CPF website with your Singpass.

For all unsuccessful/ invalid applications, it could be due to one of the following reasons –

  • Did not meet the eligibility criteria i.e CPF member does not have sufficient Ordinary Account savings up to the Available Withdrawal Limit for education purposes. 
  • Application was not endorsed by member within the deadline of 14 days. 
  • Duplicate application detected i.e it is a one-time application for the whole course of study. 

You may wish to consider the MOE Tuition Fee Loan that is interest-free during your course of study, if your application for the CPF Education Loan is unsuccessful.