Scheduled Maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 7 Apr 2024, from 12am to 8am.

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I am 55 and above. I understand that my CPF refund will be used to meet my Full Retirement Sum (FRS) in my Retirement Account and the balance housing refunds will be paid to me in cash. Can I choose to refund only up to my FRS when I sell my property?
Yes, you can choose to refund up to your Full Retirement Sum so that you can receive the balance housing refunds without waiting for the pay-out. If you have already met your Retirement Sum, no refund is required. To proceed, please submit a request via My Mailbox two weeks before the completion of the sale of your property.
Alternatively, if you would like to keep the balance housing refunds in your Ordinary Account (OA) to pay for another property - you can also submit a request via My Mailbox two weeks before the completion of the sale of your property and indicate your intention to retain the balance housing refunds in your OA.