Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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What happens to my existing Integrated Shield Plan (IP) when I apply for a new IP?

Your existing Integrated Shield Plan (IP) will automatically be terminated when your new IP commences. This ensures you will only pay premiums for one IP, as medical claims can only be paid from one IP at any one time. Your insurer will refund any unused premium for the remaining cover period of the terminated IP.

Before you buy a new IP, you should check if your new insurer will cover all your pre-existing medical conditions. While the MediShield Life component of your new IP will continue to cover you for life, including any pre-existing medical conditions, private insurers generally will impose exclusions i.e. they generally do not pay claims for pre-existing medical conditions that you already suffer from before the start of your IP.