Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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Will I be eligible for MediShield Life Premium Subsidies?

You will receive MediShield Life Premium Subsidies (up to 50%) if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident.
  • Household monthly income per person of $2,800 and below (applicable for renewals from 1 September 2019).
  • Living in a property with an Annual Value of $21,000 and below. From 1 January 2024, the limit for the Annual Value will be increased to $25,000 and below.

Those who are either older, have lower income or live in residences with lower Annual Value will enjoy higher subsidy rates. Individuals who own multiple properties will not be eligible.

Permanent Residents will receive half of the subsidy rates applicable to Singapore Citizens. This is aligned to the subsidy policy in public healthcare institutions.