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What are the different MediShield Life premium subsidies and am I eligible for them?

Log in to Healthcare dashboard  'Coverage and premium details' to check how much MediShield Life subsidies you can receive.

The Government offers the following subsidies to keep MediShield Life premiums affordable:

(a) Premium Subsidies for lower- to middle-income Singapore Residents (from 15% - 50% of premiums) 

You will be assessed based on your household monthly income per person, annual value of residence and multiple property ownership. You can update your household information via the Household Check e-Service to receive accurate premium subsidies.

(b) Pioneer Generation Subsidies for the Pioneer Generation (from 40% - 60% of premiums) 

(c) Merdeka Generation Subsidies for the Merdeka Generation (from 5% - 10% of premiums)

(d) COVID-19 Subsidies for Singapore Citizens from 1 March 2021

This is a one-off COVID-19 subsidy for all Singapore Citizens for two years. The subsidy covers 70% of the net premium increase in the first year, followed by 30% of the net premium increase in the second year. 

You may refer to the MediShield Life Information Booklet for more information on the premium computation breakdown and details of the various components.