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I am a bankrupt and I remember I owe more MediShield Life premiums than what is shown in my notification and my Healthcare dashboard. How much should I pay?

We may have filed a claim with the Private Trustee or Official Assignee to recover your outstanding MediShield Life premiums (including interest and penalties) incurred prior to the date of your Bankruptcy Order. The amount filed will not be shown in your notifications as the amount may be recovered from your bankruptcy estate.

The notifications you receive are for the MediShield Life premiums incurred after the date of your Bankruptcy Order. You can apply for a Apply / Change GIRO for Payment of MediShield Life Premiums or seek a family member's help to perform Change of Payer for MediShield Life Cover to pay your outstanding premiums.

To make a voluntary top-up to your MediSave Account, you must obtain approval from the Private Trustee or Official Assignee. You can contact them at 1800 225 5529 (during office hours) or visit