Scheduled maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 28 Apr 2024, from 12am to 6am.

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How much do I need to refund when I sell my property after I made a voluntary housing refund?

On sale of your property, the selling price will be distributed, in the following order:

  1. Outstanding housing loan
  2. CPF principal amount withdrawn for the property, and its accrued interest
  3. Other sale expenses, e.g. legal fees

The amount to refund depends on how much you have voluntarily refunded:

If you had made a full voluntary housing refund of all your CPF principal withdrawn with accrued interest and did not use further CPF savings for your loan repayments, you do not need to make any refund to your CPF account on sale of your property.


Check your Home ownership dashboard for the amount of CPF to be refunded (if any).

If you made a partial voluntary housing refund of your CPF principal withdrawn with accrued interest and/or continued to use further CPF savings for your loan repayments, you need to refund the remaining CPF principal amount withdrawn for your property, including the accrued interest (P+I) on sale of your property.  


Check your Home ownership dashboard for the amount of CPF to be refunded (if any).