Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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How can I top up to myself, my children or my loved ones’ MediSave Account?

You can make a top-up via e-Cashier using PayNow QR*.

Please note that you will need to be at least 16 years old if you are topping up to yourself or your loved ones' MediSave Accounts. If you are a parent topping up for your child's MediSave Accounts, please provide your own NRIC/CPF Account Number on the first page of e-Cashier to indicate yourself as the Giver. You will be prompted to key in your Recipient's NRIC/CPF Account Number subsequently.

Top-up is applicable to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents only. You are encouraged to make top-ups early. All applications and payments should reach CPF Board by 31st December of the year to enjoy tax relief for the following year’s Tax Assessment. Backdating of top-ups to previous years is not allowed.

Please note that there is no tax relief for top-ups made to your children. Find out more about tax relief for your MediSave top-ups.

If you are making top-ups as a self-employed person, you can refer to the Self-Employed Scheme for more information.

You can find out more on which voluntary top-up is applicable to you.


* Subsequent or duplicate payments made using the same PayNow QR code will be refunded. To ensure that your cash top-ups are processed successfully, please only scan the PayNow QR code and make payment once. You will need to submit a new application each time you wish to make another top-up.