Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

Scheduled maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 28 Apr 2024, from 12am to 6am.

Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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What sources of MediSave contributions are eligible for Drive and Save (DAS) co-contribution?

MediSave contributions made by the taxi principal hirer as a self-employed person will qualify him/her for Drive and Save (DAS) co-contribution. CPF contributions received as an employee (from both employer and self) for taxi principal hirers who are concurrently employed, as well as government top-ups are excluded.