Scheduled Maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 7 Apr 2024, from 12am to 8am.

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What are the conditions for applying to limit my MediSave payable as a self-employed person?

You can apply to limit your MediSave payable if your total employment income (excluding Additional Wages) for the year exceeds the maximum total annual income. 

Additional Wages are wage supplements which are not granted wholly and exclusively for the month. Examples are the annual bonus, leave pay, incentive and other payments made at intervals of more than a month.

Please refer to the table below for the total employment income (excluding Additional Wages) that qualifies you to limit your MediSave contributions as a self-employed person. 


Maximum Total Annual Income (excluding Additional Wages)

1993 - 2003






2006 - 2010




2012 - 2015


2016 - 2022








2026 onwards
