Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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What is the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS)?
The CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) comprises the CPF Investment Scheme-Ordinary Account (CPFIS-OA) and CPF Investment Scheme-Special Account (CPFIS-SA). The scheme gives CPF members an option to invest their CPF savings, while meeting the long term objective of financial security in their old age.

Important Notes:

Members are advised to exercise prudence when they invest their CPF savings under the CPFIS. No one can guarantee that investments will always be profitable or that investment products included under CPFIS will always earn a profit. The CPF Board does not specifically endorse any product providers or investment products included under the CPFIS. All investments come with risk and you may lose all or a portion of the amount invested.

CPF members have to decide for themselves how to invest their savings and what risks to accept. If members are not confident of investing on their own or do not wish to risk their savings, they can always keep their money with the CPF Board and earn the risk-free interest.