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What are the criteria for inclusion as an Investment Administrator under the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS)?

The Company must satisfy the following requirements in order to be eligible for inclusion under the CPFIS:

  1. The Company is licensed by MAS to provide financial advisory and/or investment management services and has not been subjected to any disciplinary action by any regulatory authority in the last 5 years;
  2. The assets of investors are held under trust in a Nominee Account by a custodian and must be properly accounted for each investor;
  3. The Company has an existing distribution network, and able to offer different investment instruments allowed under CPFIS and investment products from different product providers to enable the Company to give independent advice to investors on products that best suit the investor, rather than push in-house products;
  4. The Company is able to provide value added services like independent financial advice, aggregation of investors' investment transactions, consolidated statements on value of investment holdings.
  5. The Company and its related group of companies must have a sound financial position.