Scheduled maintenance: Long-term care insurance information on Healthcare Dashboard is unavailable from 26 April 2024, 8pm to 28 April 2024, 11.30pm for upgrades.

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How will the restriction on investments for the first $20,000 in Ordinary Account and the first $40,000 in Special Account affect me?
The first $60,000 of your combined CPF accounts earns an extra 1% interest. To enable members to earn extra interest, only monies in excess of $20,000 in your Ordinary Account (OA) and $40,000 in your Special Account (SA) can be invested.

However, you can continue to service your agent bank fees and regular premium insurance policies (excludes recurring single premium insurance policies or regular savings plans for unit trusts) even if your OA balance falls below $20,000.

If you have already made investments using your OA or SA balances, you are not required to sell these investments.