Scheduled Maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 5 May 2024, from 12am to 8am.

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What is the Year-in-Review?

The Year-in-Review (YIR) is a personalised statement prepared for you on your birthday.

When you open your YIR, you will see an overview of your CPF account balances, inflow and outflow and key milestones in the last 12 months from your birthday month. It will also inform you on what to look out for in the next 12 months.

The YIR also includes useful resources and steps that you can consider to start your retirement planning.

Your YIR will be refreshed every year on your birthday.

You can access your YIR (Singpass required) if you have celebrated your birthday this year. Otherwise, you can look forward to receiving your YIR on your birthday.

View the YIR guide on how to read your YIR.