Scheduled Maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 7 Apr 2024, from 12am to 8am.

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I received a call/email/WhatsApp message from the Board regarding my enquiry. Is it a scam?

The Board may respond to enquiries via calls, emails and WhatsApp messages. You can protect yourself against phishing scams by doing the following checks: 

  • For email, ensure that the sender's email address is correctly spelt and ends with or 
  • Telephone calls from CPF officers to you will not begin with a prefix "+65". If a call has a prefix with a plus (+) sign, it is likely to be an overseas call.
  • Telephone calls from CPF Call Centre responding to your enquiry will be made from 68454401.
  • For WhatsApp, ensure that the sender is from "CPF Board" or “CPF Board Text us”, our official business accounts, with the green badge. 
    CPF Board
    A screenshot displaying CPF Board as the sender of legitimate WhatsApp messages from the Board
    CPF Board Text us
    A screenshot displaying CPF Board Text us as the sender of legitimate WhatsApp messages from the Board

  • Messages from CPF Board may contain links to the CPF website or other Government websites. Please check that the domain of such links end with "" before clicking on them. 

To ensure that you do not miss out on our replies and notifications, please check and update your contact details under Account Settings (Singpass required).