Scheduled Maintenance: CPF digital services will not be available on 7 Apr 2024, from 12am to 8am.

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What should I do if I face difficulty logging into CPF Mobile?

Here are some ways for you to troubleshoot when encountering login issues:

  1. Check your internet connection to ensure it is stable.
  2. Relaunch CPF Mobile and try to log in again.
  3. Make sure your device operating system and CPF Mobile are updated to the latest version. The latest version of CPF Mobile is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  4. Check that your device date-time setting is set to “Automatic”.
  5. Ensure that you did not block all cookies in your browser settings.
  6. Set one of Singpass’ recommended browsers (Safari or Chrome) as your default browser.
  7. If you are using Firefox browser, check that you have enabled the opening of links in app in your browser settings.

If the issue persists, you can write to us for further assistance. Alternatively, you may wish to check if this issue occurs for other Government website/ apps, and contact Singpass helpdesk at directly to resolve any Singpass login issue.

In the meantime, you can still access our full suite of services through my cpf digital services on the CPF website, which is designed for seamless usage on mobile devices.