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Making Voluntary Contributions

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What happens if the amount of MediSave contributions the self-employed person has made via Contribute-As-You-Earn (CAYE) is higher than his MediSave payable for the year?

The self-employed person (SEP)’s MediSave payable for income earned in the year will be computed after the SEP has declared his actual income in the following year.

If the self-employed person (SEP) has outstanding MediSave payable from previous years, his excess CAYE contributions will be used to offset those payables1. Any excess thereafter will be refunded to him. He can also choose to retain the excess CAYE contributions in his MediSave Account (MA).


Based on his estimated income of $22,000 for 2023, Sam contributed $2,200 via CAYE. In the following year, he declared that he earned a lower Net Trade Income of $19,000 for 2023. As such, Sam’s MediSave payable for his work done in 2023 is $1,900. Hence, he has excess CAYE contributions of $300 for the year. Sam also has an outstanding MediSave payable of $100 incurred in 2022 which would be offset by the excess CAYE contributions, leaving a final excess amount of $200. This amount will be refunded to him2. He can also choose to keep this $200 in his MA.

This example is illustrated within the table below:


Estimated 2023 NTI


CAYE contributions in 2023


(After 2023 NTI declaration)


Declared 2023 NTI


MediSave payable for work done in 2023


Outstanding MediSave payable for 2022


Amount Sam will receive as a refund


(i.e. $2,200 - $1,900 - $100)


1This will take effect for CAYE contributions made from 2023. The SEP may write to us if he does not wish to use his CAYE contributions to offset his outstanding MediSave payable from previous years.

2Sam may also choose not to use his CAYE contributions to offset his outstanding MediSave payable of $100 incurred in 2022. In this case, he will be refunded $300 instead.